Ritual of the Dervishes

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A friend turned adversary, igniting my heart,
With fevered pulse, I danced amongst flames.
As a phoenix within the blaze, I thrived, I shone.

I struck at the heart of oceans,
To the farthest sight, pristine blues unfold.
Against self and kin, wronged they all,
In fire's embrace, all was wronged, none knew.

The poppy in the desert does not burn,
But the crimson born from earth's heart
Erupts, setting aflame the unjust homes.

Such is the dervish's path,
Detached from self and kin,
Naive beliefs, once lit,
Transform in fire's heart,
Burning as they illuminate.

Interpretive Description in English: "Ritual of the Dervishes" by Hirbod Human is a profound contemplation on rebirth through fire. The poet, employing the phoenix as a symbol of regeneration, describes himself amidst flames that cleanse and destroy. These flames serve not only as a means of purification for the poet but also offer a path to cleanse and liberate from the impurities of the surrounding world. "Ritual of the Dervishes" reminds us that pain and suffering can pave the way to a deeper understanding of existence and reconnection with nature and life.

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